We raised $2,515.72 toward Dan Lynch's trip to a conference to represent the show and record content! We'll be coordinated with Dan about what conference he wants to attend.
If you'd like to further support Free as in Freedom, please become a supporter of Software Freedom Conservancy, the charity where Bradley and Karen work.
Free as in Freedom
Free as in Freedom is a bi-weekly oggcast, hosted and presented by Bradley M. Kuhn and Karen Sandler. The discussion includes legal, policy, and many other issues in the Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) world. Occasionally, guests join Bradley and Karen to discuss various topics regarding FLOSS.
You can email feedback on the show to <oggcast@faif.us>, or join bkuhn and other listeners in our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net.
Follow FaiF's RSS, and Other Feeds
There is RSS for both ogg format and mp3 format. These links might work if you want to subscribe to the show with proprietary Apple devices.
If you're interested you can follow Karen, and the podcast itself on Twitter. Also, Bradley and Karen both have blogs you can read.
Recent Free as in Freedom Shows
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March 9, 2021
0x6C: Even More DMCA Exemption Requests!
Karen and Bradley discuss two other DMCA exemptions filed by Software Freedom Conservancy during the 2020/2021 Triennial Rulemaking Process at the copyright office: one for wireless router firmwares and one for privacy research.![[Get cast in Ogg/Vorbis
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January 14, 2021