Free as in Freedom

We raised $2,515.72 toward Dan Lynch's trip to a conference to represent the show and record content! We'll be coordinated with Dan about what conference he wants to attend.

If you'd like to further support Free as in Freedom, please become a supporter of Software Freedom Conservancy, the charity where Bradley and Karen work.

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May 22, 2012

[Get cast in Ogg/Vorbis
                                          format] [Get cast in MP3 format] 0x29: Richard Fontana at Linux Collaboration Summit 2012


Karen and Bradley play and discuss Richard Fontana's Linux Collaboration Summit 2012 talk, The Decline of the GPL, and What To Do About It.

This show was released on Tuesday 22 May 2012; its running time is 01:19:27.

Show Notes

Segment 0 (00:36)

Karen mentioned a legal summit where Richard and Karen spoke; the same event where the organizers said having Bradley speak would be the same as having the caterers speak.

Segment 1 (04:46)

Fontana's slides for this talk are available on Fontana's website.

Note that this talk is a longer version of Ricahrd Fontana's FOSDEM 2012 talk, The (possible) decline of the GPL, and what to do about it from the FOSDEM 2012 Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom.

Segment 2 (57:24)

Bradley and Karen discuss Fontana's talk.

Tags: faif, GPL, licensing, copyright, Richard Fontana, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Oracle, conferences

June 7, 2011

[Get cast in Ogg/Vorbis
                                          format] [Get cast in MP3 format] Episode 0x11: Corporate Licensing Decisions That Impact the Project's Community


Dan Lynch (filling in for Karen) and Bradley discuss a few examples where licensing decisions by companies impacts the health of the software development community.

This show was released on Tuesday 7 June 2011; its running time is 01:24:34.

Show Notes

Segment 0 (00:00:36)

Segment 1 (00:32:30)

Segment 2 (01:16:09)

Bradley thanked Dan, on behalf of Karen, for all his work to make Free as in Freedom possible.

Tags: faif, novell, commercial, licensing, copyright, LGPL, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Oracle, IBM

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

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